Social Media Market Research Survey Thank you for assisting me with my Social Media Market Research Survey. This will only take a few seconds of your time. Name Email 1. Would you like to make 3 months worth of social media content in just 3 days?If no, please fill in why in the comment field. Yes No 2. If yes, would you be interested in learning a step by step formula that provides fill in the blank templates in order to do this and more?If no, please fill in why/give suggestions in the comment field. Yes No Not interested! 3. If so, would you prefer to join a live group of people to go through the formula with or would you prefer to do it privately online in your own time?Please fill in why you chose this option in the comment field. Live Group Privately Online Not Interested! 4. How much would being able to easily create 3 months worth of Social Media content in 3 days or less be worth to you?You will be able to replicate the training and use the templates to consistently make content quickly and easily. Free R100-R200 R300-R500 R500-R1,000 R1,000 + Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up